JavaScript Meetup Berlin + Slides
Posted on 13/1/10 by Felix Geisendörfer

Last night I had the opportunity to speak about node.js at the first Berlin JavaScript user group meeting. I'm really thankful to Robin Mehner, Jan Lehnardt and the awesome people at upstream and co-up for organizing the event and hopefully many to follow.
Anyway, here are the slides:
You can also download them as PDF (344 kb).
The meetup itself was rather awesome. ~35 people showed up with many coming from different backgrounds (Rails, Symfony, Zend, Python, ...) united by their interest in JavaScript.
-- fg
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Great stuff! Thanks for putting the slides up.
Fits nicely in my distributed systems lecture and the upcoming chapters about networking etc.
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Hi, thanks for publishing your slides! Node.js sounds really interesting to me, maybe i've some time later this month to learn some js and try it out :)